Friday, April 25, 2008
DFG President Asserts Ownership of Captain Nepto
Freelance Reporter
DFG President and Co-Publisher Dan Graves responded this morning to Todd Abbot's relaunch of the now defunct DTA Comics line and appropriation of Captain Nepto: "It's theft, pure and simple," said Mr. Graves, "DFG owns both DTA and Cap, lock, stock and barrel. If Mr. Abbot thinks that that he can win this one, he is sadly mistaken." DTA Comics was the original imprint under which Captain Nepto was released by Darryl Andrews (DFG's Vice-President and Co-Publisher). DFG and DTA merged in the early 1980's and DTA characters immediately began to appear under the DFG banner. Apparently, DFG let the trademark for DTA lapse and Mr. Abbot legally purchased the trademark earlier this week. In addition, Mr. Abbot claims that he created both Captain Nepto and pivotal supporting characters, such as the Jester, while "ghosting" for Mr. Andrews back in the 1980's. "It's all nonsense," said Darryl Andrews, when asked about Abbot's claim to Nepto, "he was working for DFG, doing some inking, background artwork and the occasional fill-in work, nothing more. I created Nepto and all related characters and they are wholly owned by DFG Comics." According to the newly-launched DTA website, Abbot is planning to launch a new Captain Nepto series entitled The Original Captain Nepto featuring stories of Captain Nepto from the earliest stage of his career (early 1980's). "This series is clearly intended to compete with DFG's new Captain Nepto Prime set somewhat later in the mid 1980's," said Mr. Graves. "Todd Abbot is clearly trying to use DFG copyright characters for his own personal gain and to attempt to hurt DFG, but let me tell you, we will not be distracted. Captain Nepto Prime is set to launch this summer and we believe that fans will be loyal to our version of Nepto." When reached for comment, Todd Abbot made the following statement: "I have no desire to use any of the later DFG interpretations of Captain Nepto as I believe them to be spurious and false interpretations. DFG seriously corrupted the character and universe that I so brilliantly created nearly thirty years ago. In The Original Captain Nepto we will be seeing the real Cap - that is, the one with super powers, with the "CN" insignia on his chest, and the classy wig. In addition, watch for MY classic villains such as the Jester, not the Darryl Andrews knock-offs that we've seen over the past number of years."
More on this story as it develops.
Picture of DFG President Dan Graves courtesy of Darryl Andrews, personal collection.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Abbot Steals DTA Comics Trademark
Todd Abbot announced, "I believe that it's important to the history of DFG. It's something that they are proud of and they see it as part of their heritage. I'm just the one to show them how much it will hurt"
The title DTA Comics was used originally by Darryl Andrews to publish the original Captain Nepto stories. Todd Abbot was one of the first hires for the series and transferred to DFG Comics when the two publishers integrated. DTA Comics received a federal trademark in the early 1980s. That trademark expired more than a decade ago. Abbot says no one noticed until now.
"It most certainly was a mistake" DFG legal counsel, Sir Milton Goldfarbstein said. "We failed to renew the trademark back in 1990's and now Mr. Abbot, out of revenge has taken control over it."
Mr. Abbot says he discovered last fall that the trademark expired. He quietly filed an application this month.
Being known as DTA Comics means more than just bragging rights. It also means money. Both companies can lay some claim to the Captain Nepto orgins.
This isn't the first squabble between the two parties. DFG Management and Mr. Abbot have had a blistering relationship of late. "I don't think that Todd would want to go to war, so to speak, over something like this," Publisher Dan Graves said. "But this is something we take seriously. 'This is who we are. Todd has no idea of the beast he has awoken"
Monday, April 21, 2008
DFG's "Big Three" -- or was that DFG's "Big Four"
DFG ONLINE Staff Reporter
Todd Abbot is once again reported to be "furious" over another DFG "snub." The latest altercation comes on the heels of the "Captain Nepto Prime" snub earlier this week, in which Abbot was excluded from contributing to the new Captian Nepto Prime series. However, the latest controversy involves a picture posted to the DFG website by Vice-President and Co-Publisher Darryl Andrews, earlier today. The photo is entitled "DFG's Big Three: Pete, Dan and Darryl." But note, there is a fourth individual (whose hand and arm can be seen on Pete's left shoulder) who was cropped out. Abbot claims that this is him. "I was in on the ground floor during the Golden Age of DFG," said Mr. Abbot, "It's common knowledge throughout fandom that we were known as the 'big four.'" The picture was apparently taken at a DFG reunion c. 2000, at which Mr. Abbot was reportedly present, but had imbided considerable quantities of alcoholic beverages. "This photo was taken for a prominent fan magazine and it was supposed to acompany an article that outlined the influence of the 'big four,'" said Mr. Abbot, "Obviously the brass at DFG not only wants to cut me out of the current picture, but out of the canonical history of DFG as well! I can only say that I find this behaviour very hurtful." When asked about the photo, DFG President and Co-Publisher Dan Graves commented, "It's always been the 'big three.' There was never a 'big four.' Mr. Abbot is clearly delusional and has never adequately dealt with his alcohol problem. Incidentally, the figure cropped out of the picture is actually Pete's Dad, Jim Repas, who was present when Peter received a life-time achievement award for his contribution to the industry." Mr. Graves asked any further questions to be directed at DFG legal counsel, Sir Milton Goldfarbstein, who, incidentally has completely recovered from his earlier health scare.
Todd Abbot Makes Pitch
Freelance Reporter
Special to DFG ONLINE!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Spy Comics Presents the Invincibles #2 -- Page 3 Now ONLINE!
DFG Comics is proud to release a preview of the third page of Spy Comics Presents the Invincibles #3. We have recently previewed pages 1 & 2 as well as the pencil artwork for the cover. This will be the last preview before the issue is released. Pages 4, 5 & 6 are nearly completed and the entire issue will be posted on our ONLINE Publications site soon. The current page features an interchange between the Governor General, Sir Julius Smithers (formerly the Spymaster) and Nitro: The Man with the TNT Punch (Stefan Ladley). Smithers is currently trying to restart the super-team "The Invincibles" to take on a group of renegade heroes led by Captain Nepto (David Anderson). In this interchange, Smithers is berating Ladley for missing the state funeral of Prime Minister Randy Anderson who was assassinated by Nepto and his crew (Randy Anderson is also the half-brother of David Anderson, and the reformed villain known as the Sea Serpent).
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Update from Darryl Andrews
With the many questions I've been asked regarding the direction of the new Nepto Prime series; I'm finally in a position to be able to share some of the early plot-lines with our fans.
The First issue:
Villian ~ The Jester
Synopsis: Things get a little too casual when the Jester visits Cap at his apartment to reveal his planned Jewellery Store robbery. Additionally, the Jester challenges Nepto to not interfere with the heist or face public exposure of his secret identity. How will Nepto respond to this blackmail?
Issue Two:
Villian ~ The Sea Serpent
Synopsis: Sea animals are mutating into dangerous creatures after a scientific ray-gun is stolen. Nepto must launch the Super Scientific Nepto Sub to investigate the danger.
Issue Three:
Villian ~ The Man-Hunter
Synopsis: A spectacular art heist summons Nepto to the aid of an esteemed Carnage City resident.
More to come...!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Rumour Confirmed
Spy '96 "Lost Annual" to Finally See Light of Day!
DFG ONLINE Staff Reporter
Once thought destroyed in a flood at the DFG satellite studio in Warkworth, ON, the original artwork for the “lost” Spy ’96 annual has been found! “This is an exciting day!” said DFG president and co-publisher, Dan Graves, “this is the second time this year that lost artwork has re-surfaced.” When asked if fans will finally get to see the annual, Mr. Graves responded, “Well, it’s in a fragmentary state. We have the script outline written by Darryl Andrews and artwork from Mark Andrews, which is incomplete.” Mark Andrews, brother of DFG V.P. and co-publisher Darryl Andrews, did some work for DFG in 1996, including the cover for an issue of Spy Classics and several pin-ups, “This was to be his big break,” said Mr. Graves, “Mark’s schedule does not permit him to complete the issue at this point. I fully intend to publish the annual, twelve years late, by making some format changes.” Mr. Graves revealed that he has asked long-time DFG Production Manager, Frank Daniels, to complete the project. “I’ve looked at the ‘remains’,” said Mr. Daniels, “and I’m confident that we can have it available this Spring or Summer.” When asked what the ‘format changes’ might be, Mr. Daniels responded, “Rather than issue the book in the traditional comic book format, we’ll be issuing it as a pulp magazine – a kind of tribute to the early days of the industry. I’m taking Darryl’s script outline and converting it to fuller prose. We will be inserting Mark’s artwork – some of which are fully inked and coloured drawings, others are B & W inks, and others are pencil drawings – and insert them into the text at appropriate places. I may have to throw in the odd picture of my own, here or there, to fill it out.” Long-time DFG readers will remember that Mr. Daniels drew a couple of issues of the original Spy Comics series back in the early eighties, in addition to his duties as production manager. “As a production man, I hate to see projects delayed or shelved. I want to get them into print; it’s what I do! I’m really excited about this project and the fact that Dan has placed it in my care. I think that fans will be pleased by the result.” Above is a sample of some of Mark Andrews’ work on the annual. Watch for it this Spring or Summer!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Pencil Art for Spy Comics Presents the Invincibles #2
DFG ONLINE is pleased to give you this preview of Dan Graves' pencils for the cover of Spy Comics Presents the Invincibles #2, due out later this month. We had hoped to have the issue released by the end of March, but we had to push things back about a month due to a fire at the DFG production plant. We hope this teaser will please our fans who are eagerly awaiting the release of this historic issue! With special thanks to DFG webmaster Oscar Foodlecollins for the scan.
By Cynthia Martin
Freelance Reporter
Special to DFG ONLINE!
Todd Abbot is said to be furious with DFG bosses Dan Graves & Darryl Andrews for failing to offer him a creative role in the new Captain Nepto Prime comic, according to reports. The artist, who claims to have created the Jester [among others] in the iconic comic series, is said to be "very upset and has been lobbying for a writer/artist role". Jablone Hollywoodandcould, Abbot's manager, refuted the allegations, saying, "I don't know that to be the case, so I can't comment." The comic-book is slated to be released later this year (08).
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Captain Nepto Website Launched!
Freelance Reporter
Special to DFG ONLINE!
Well, there's a real buzz around DFG Corporate HQ these days about the many exciting new projects on the go at DFG. One project that is garnering considerable attention is the return of Captain Nepto to his own series Captain Nepto Prime. There are several rumours about this series but Nepto creator Darryl Andrews has confirmed that this series take place somewhere between 1987 when Spy Comics (second series) wrapped up and before 1996 when Spy '96 began. "The 1985-87 series was where we introduced Cap's 'new look'," said Mr. Andrews, "and where we had Cap dealing with a lot of his personal demons, like tracking down his parents' killers. That series ended with both the Spymaster and Cap hanging up their cowls." For Julius Smithers it was basically permanent, for David Anderson, well, he just couldn't let Nepto die. This series is about these lost years." In addition, DFG President and Co-Publisher, Dan Graves, has announced the launch of a new site for all things Nepto. At a press conference earlier today he stated, "I'm very pleased with the direction Darryl's taking on this new series. We've previewed the cover and fan response has been fantastic. In this series, Darryl is really taking Nepto back to his roots, with self-contained single-issue stories. This is what made the original series from the early eighties so great. I think we lost something when we cancelled the book back in '84 and consolitated everthing under the Spy Comics banner. To this end, I am announcing the launch of a new Captain Nepto website that will feature new and previously unpublished artwork, Nepto news, and more!"
Darryl Andrews also noted, "This new book really is about bringing the fun back into the Nepto mythos. It's a homecoming of sorts for me. It's been a long time since I really felt this connected to the character. We've spent a lot of time on Nepto's darker side. We dealt with that in the 1985-87 Spy series, and again in Spy '96. Dan's doing a fantastic job of dealing with David Anderson's dark side in the current Spy Comics "Invinicibles" series. What I really want to do is get back to the playful Cap and have some fun with the characters, just like I did in the original series." When asked if the book will be a solo effort on his part, Mr. Andrews responded, "Oh yeah, for sure. This is the character that catipulted me to fame as a comic book celebrity a quarter century ago and as long as I have life and breath in me I will be writing, drawing, colouring and lettering Captain Nepto!" We asked Mr. Andrews if we might be seeing any contribution to the book by Todd Abbot, "Absolutely not," replied Mr. Andrews, "Dan is going to have that second-stringer busy on other projects, like Cyclone and Tornado, Nova, and the Flea, or some such thing. Nepto is mine."
Captain Nepto Prime will be on sale soon!
Click Here to visit Cap's new website!