Wednesday, February 11, 2009

High-level talks with Sopha Continue

By Bob Barnes
Special to DFG ONLINE!

Another high-level secret meeting took place on Saturday night between DFG President and Co-Publisher Dan Graves, and the comic book legend known only as "Sopha." Sopha was involved with DFG in the late 1980's but disappeared from the scene and lived in relative obscurity until recently. Inside sources say that he spent many years traveling the far East learning both contemplative meditation techniques and several martial arts. He is reported to be a master swordsman as well. An inside source says that the "man with one name" recently returned from his travels, after having visited a mountain-top guru, achieving an inner-peace and the realization that he must follow his bliss and return to his first love, comic books.

"With Frank Daniels having been placed on leave," reported one DFG insider, "it seems like an opportune time to bring in some new blood." Sopha is known primarily as an "ideas" man who is reported to have several ground-breaking concepts for the DFG line, including a whole line of titles featuring DFG characters outside of regular continuity. The same insider reported, "DFG has 28 years of confusing continuity and it may be difficult for new fans to enter into the stories. Rumour has it that Sopha will be named editor of a new line of titles under the label Superstar. These titles, such as Superstar Spymaster, Superstar Captain Nepto, and Superstar Redman, will occur outside of regular continuity and will feature all kinds of exciting surprises." Neither Dan Graves nor Darryl Andrews could be reached for comment. The whereabouts of "Sopha" remains unknown.
(the above photograph of the secret meeting was captured by our staff photographer Flash Bulbous)

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