By Bob Barnes
DFG ONLINE Staff Reporter
Fans took to the streets this afternoon after learning of the freak accident that hospitalized DFG colourist Flora Lovartalot late last evening (click here for full story). What can only be described as a near-riot broke out in front of DFG corporate HQ. Carnage City Police Chief Seamus McMullen (pictured in the top photograph) was forced to subdue one distraught fan who was calling for the blood of DFG co-publishers Graves & Andrews. "I'll tell ya, it was quite a scene," said McMullen, "fortunately, after some tazer applications, tear gas, and rubber bullets, the crowd dispersed peacefully." A similar crowd gathered later outside the Carnage City General Hospital to hold vigil for Flora (see lower picture). The Carnage City P.D. was on hand to ensure no violence erupted.
This reporter spoke with several fans outside the hospital. "We just want Flora to know that we love her, and are praying for her recovery," said one teary-eyed woman. Another man added, "I think everyone is being hard on poor Ernest (editor's note: Ernest Wontellalie -- the DFG janitor who improperly secured the shelving unit that fell on Flora). No one ever uses those tether straps... it was just a freak accident." DFG enthusiast Javier Santamotzarello was on hand to lead in a special prayer vigil and candlelight service.
Dan Graves and Darryl Andrews have been unavailable for comment, although Mr. Andrews was spotted at a local bistro in the company of several foreign investors, reputedly closing an overseas licensing deal. Mr. Graves has avoided the media.
is there any fund being set up for Flora's bills? i feel so helpless, i want to DO something.
I also want to mention that i went home and found my IKEA tethers after hearing this story...while it may not ease the pain, Flora's accident may end up saving the lives of countless people.
I am wondering about a "Tether for Flora" campaign? I would spear head it, except i am SURE someone will have beaten me to it...
a fan
Dear Concerned Fan:
We have just spoken with Flora who is slowly recovering... DFG plans to issue a press release on her condition soon ... She was so delighted to hear that she is loved and cared for by so many of her fans. We have taken your words to heart and donations can now be made to a special account at the Carnage City First National Bank (please send them to the "Flora Lovartalot Get Well Soon" fund).
Frank Daniels,
DFG Production Manager (and DFG Answer Man).
PS -
Watch for further developments on the "Tether for Flora Campaign" in upcoming issues of DFG Comics.
"Tether for Flora" about instead of ribbons we pass out strips of that nylon tether for people to pin to their lapels? I think that would be poignant...
Dear concerned fan...
Consider it done...
DFG Staffers were in downtown Carnage City, in front of the hospital late this afternoon selling little tethers with a picture of Flora's face imprinted on them. They are available for the low, low price of $4.95 cdn (or 12 cents USD). When Todd Abbot saw so many people wearing them a tear came to his eye.
Frank Daniels,
DFG Production Manager (and answer man)
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