Saturday, August 8, 2009

DFG V.P. Meets with Lynda Carter to Discuss Graphic Novel

By Fawney Bologna
Spin City -
Lynda Carter, known the World over as "Wonder Woman", met with DFG Vice President Darryl Andrews to discuss the creation of a new character that will rock the very core of the DFG Universe. It has long been maintained that The Spy-Master's wife was killed...imagine if, in fact, that was not the case! "There's two ideas floating around regarding an alternate version of The Spy-Master's origin; this is being done for our "DFG Possibilities" Graphic Novel line of books," commented DFG V.P. Darryl Andrews during a questioning period. "The aborted story from Captain Nepto Prime will surface under this banner along with the debut of The Spy-Mistress!" The Spy-Mistress will use Mrs. Carter's likeness in defining the character. Mr. Andrews continued, "When talking with Lynda it became too clear that we at DFG were ignoring a very important demographic..that mainly being the mature woman. Lynda made the idea of developing this character very exciting". Mrs. Carter who is a striking 59 year old woman, had no trouble in deflecting comments with her magical bracelets from other attendees that there is a place for an aging Super Heroine. The Spy-Mistress storyline will either be a reversal of The Spy-Master legend, with Julius dying instead, or a plot development that will have her surviving the shooting and later seek revenge upon her husband for abandoning her. In any case DFG fans have much to look forward too!

Pictured is Mrs. Carter with Mr. Andrews and daughter Lola Grace.