Thursday, September 3, 2009

DFG Corporate Conference Set to Take Place at Peterborough Offices

By Fawney Bologna
Special to DFG ONLINE!

Early this morning, this reporter received a plain brown envelope with a detailed agenda of an upcoming TOP SECRET meeting of the DFG executive staff. The meeting is scheduled to take place this weekend at the Peterborough HQ, and the agenda looks packed. It is, however, difficult to decipher the agenda of the meeting as it appears to be written in code in order to avoid press leakages. One of the agenda items refers to a new seires "taking flight." This can only refer to the upcoming Winged Avenger series. Will this new title be a focus of this meeting? Only time will tell. Another agenda item makes reference to "old friends." Could this be the completion of the unpublished Spy '96 Annual? Again, we will just have to wait and see. More developments will be posted as information becomes available.

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