Monday, June 16, 2008

Flora Lovartalot Does It Again!

By Bob Barnes
Special to DFG ONLINE!
Is there no end to this woman's talent? Flora Lovartalot, DFG's award-winning new colourist, has just turned in the completed artwork for the Redman origin story for the Spy Classics Annual #1 (Story, pencils and inks by Dan Graves). "It's fan-bloodytastic," said DFG co-publisher and vice-president, Darryl Andrews. "If Todd Abbot's not careful, she's going to displace him as DFG's resident comic book giant." A more subdued president and co-publisher, Dan Graves, noted, "Yeah, she's not bad, but she's no Jerry Serpe. I'm pleased with how her work is coming along. Hopefully she'll start to tone down some of the garrish colours she's using and get serious." Todd Abbot noted, "I'm very pleased with what she's done with my ground-breaking work on Captain Nepto Prime. She's one kick-butt colourist. DFG should be happy to have someone of her genius working with someone of my genius."

1 comment:

Darryl said...

It's fan-bloodytastic!!!