Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Captain Nepto JUNIOR?!?!?! Captain Nepto Prime August Sneak Peak

By Bob Barnes

"What the devil is Darryl Andrews up to?" asked a furious Todd Abbot this morning as he stormed into DFG Corporate Head Office with a petition signed by at least 4 people demanding that Darryl Andrews not go ahead with the direction-change planned for Captain Nepto Prime August Issue. "Todd doesn't run DFG," said Dan Graves, DFG's President and Co-Publisher. "Darryl Andrews has been my business partner for 27 years and whatever Darryl does with Nepto is fine with me. I won't be bullied by some second-rate ghost artist who thinks he has some claim on the Captain Nepto mythos." Mr. Graves' comment was uncharacteristically antagonistic. "Well Todd's being antagonistic," said Mr. Graves, "and I won't be dictated to about the direction of one of my flagship titles." Earlier today Mr. Abbot leaked the picture, below, which depicts a scene from Captain Nepto Prime August in which Cap appears to be introducing a junior sidekick. "It's not what it seems," said Mr. Andrews, "In fact, the whole issue is full of surprises!" Asked about Mr. Abbot's outburst of protest, Mr. Andrews commented, "Todd's just frustrated because he's not a visionary. But rest assured, we have very special plans for Todd in the DFG universe. Look for his new project to be announced soon. I'm just hoping this whole thing cools off so that we can move forward. It's really getting out of control." Look for more updates as they become available.

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