Thursday, April 29, 2010

Todd Abbot Sues DFG from Hospital

By Fawney Bologna
Special to DFG ONLINE
Kelowna, B.C.

"I'm going to sue those bastards!" were Todd Abbot's first words spoken after waking up from the emergency operation, which removed a bullet from his chest. Citing an unsafe working environment, Mr. Abbot has issued a claim for Compensation with the W.S.E (We Sue Everybody) Law Firm. A statement from that firm stated, "Workers who are injured as a result of serious negligence or on-the-job accidents are entitled to workers' compensation through their employer. However, when a worker has sustained catastrophic injuries such as those Mr. Abbot has suffered as a result of DFG dictating a forced relocation clause, additional claim of benefits needs to be pursued".

Listed in the lawsuit are DFG President Dan Graves and VP Darryl Andrews. A police investigation into the alleged murder attempt on Mr. Abbot's life is currently under investigation.

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