Saturday, April 5, 2008

Captain Nepto Website Launched!

By Cynthia Martin
Freelance Reporter
Special to DFG ONLINE!

Well, there's a real buzz around DFG Corporate HQ these days about the many exciting new projects on the go at DFG. One project that is garnering considerable attention is the return of Captain Nepto to his own series Captain Nepto Prime. There are several rumours about this series but Nepto creator Darryl Andrews has confirmed that this series take place somewhere between 1987 when Spy Comics (second series) wrapped up and before 1996 when Spy '96 began. "The 1985-87 series was where we introduced Cap's 'new look'," said Mr. Andrews, "and where we had Cap dealing with a lot of his personal demons, like tracking down his parents' killers. That series ended with both the Spymaster and Cap hanging up their cowls." For Julius Smithers it was basically permanent, for David Anderson, well, he just couldn't let Nepto die. This series is about these lost years." In addition, DFG President and Co-Publisher, Dan Graves, has announced the launch of a new site for all things Nepto. At a press conference earlier today he stated, "I'm very pleased with the direction Darryl's taking on this new series. We've previewed the cover and fan response has been fantastic. In this series, Darryl is really taking Nepto back to his roots, with self-contained single-issue stories. This is what made the original series from the early eighties so great. I think we lost something when we cancelled the book back in '84 and consolitated everthing under the Spy Comics banner. To this end, I am announcing the launch of a new Captain Nepto website that will feature new and previously unpublished artwork, Nepto news, and more!"

Darryl Andrews also noted, "This new book really is about bringing the fun back into the Nepto mythos. It's a homecoming of sorts for me. It's been a long time since I really felt this connected to the character. We've spent a lot of time on Nepto's darker side. We dealt with that in the 1985-87 Spy series, and again in Spy '96. Dan's doing a fantastic job of dealing with David Anderson's dark side in the current Spy Comics "Invinicibles" series. What I really want to do is get back to the playful Cap and have some fun with the characters, just like I did in the original series." When asked if the book will be a solo effort on his part, Mr. Andrews responded, "Oh yeah, for sure. This is the character that catipulted me to fame as a comic book celebrity a quarter century ago and as long as I have life and breath in me I will be writing, drawing, colouring and lettering Captain Nepto!" We asked Mr. Andrews if we might be seeing any contribution to the book by Todd Abbot, "Absolutely not," replied Mr. Andrews, "Dan is going to have that second-stringer busy on other projects, like Cyclone and Tornado, Nova, and the Flea, or some such thing. Nepto is mine."

Captain Nepto Prime will be on sale soon!
Click Here to visit Cap's new website!

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