Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Update from Darryl Andrews

With the many questions I've been asked regarding the direction of the new Nepto Prime series; I'm finally in a position to be able to share some of the early plot-lines with our fans.

The First issue:
Villian ~ The Jester
Synopsis: Things get a little too casual when the Jester visits Cap at his apartment to reveal his planned Jewellery Store robbery. Additionally, the Jester challenges Nepto to not interfere with the heist or face public exposure of his secret identity. How will Nepto respond to this blackmail?

Issue Two:
Villian ~ The Sea Serpent
Synopsis: Sea animals are mutating into dangerous creatures after a scientific ray-gun is stolen. Nepto must launch the Super Scientific Nepto Sub to investigate the danger.

Issue Three:
Villian ~ The Man-Hunter
Synopsis: A spectacular art heist summons Nepto to the aid of an esteemed Carnage City resident.

More to come...!

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