Friday, April 25, 2008

DFG President Asserts Ownership of Captain Nepto

By Robert Kahn
Freelance Reporter

DFG President and Co-Publisher Dan Graves responded this morning to Todd Abbot's relaunch of the now defunct DTA Comics line and appropriation of Captain Nepto: "It's theft, pure and simple," said Mr. Graves, "DFG owns both DTA and Cap, lock, stock and barrel. If Mr. Abbot thinks that that he can win this one, he is sadly mistaken." DTA Comics was the original imprint under which Captain Nepto was released by Darryl Andrews (DFG's Vice-President and Co-Publisher). DFG and DTA merged in the early 1980's and DTA characters immediately began to appear under the DFG banner. Apparently, DFG let the trademark for DTA lapse and Mr. Abbot legally purchased the trademark earlier this week. In addition, Mr. Abbot claims that he created both Captain Nepto and pivotal supporting characters, such as the Jester, while "ghosting" for Mr. Andrews back in the 1980's. "It's all nonsense," said Darryl Andrews, when asked about Abbot's claim to Nepto, "he was working for DFG, doing some inking, background artwork and the occasional fill-in work, nothing more. I created Nepto and all related characters and they are wholly owned by DFG Comics." According to the newly-launched DTA website, Abbot is planning to launch a new Captain Nepto series entitled The Original Captain Nepto featuring stories of Captain Nepto from the earliest stage of his career (early 1980's). "This series is clearly intended to compete with DFG's new Captain Nepto Prime set somewhat later in the mid 1980's," said Mr. Graves. "Todd Abbot is clearly trying to use DFG copyright characters for his own personal gain and to attempt to hurt DFG, but let me tell you, we will not be distracted. Captain Nepto Prime is set to launch this summer and we believe that fans will be loyal to our version of Nepto." When reached for comment, Todd Abbot made the following statement: "I have no desire to use any of the later DFG interpretations of Captain Nepto as I believe them to be spurious and false interpretations. DFG seriously corrupted the character and universe that I so brilliantly created nearly thirty years ago. In The Original Captain Nepto we will be seeing the real Cap - that is, the one with super powers, with the "CN" insignia on his chest, and the classy wig. In addition, watch for MY classic villains such as the Jester, not the Darryl Andrews knock-offs that we've seen over the past number of years."

More on this story as it develops.

Picture of DFG President Dan Graves courtesy of Darryl Andrews, personal collection.

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