Wednesday, May 28, 2008

June Villain - The Alligator

Story by Robert Kahn, Art Courtesy of Todd Abbot
"I'd like to have some great story about the origin of the Alligator but sadly there isn't one", said Darryl Andrews about the history of our June Villain. "In keeping with the aquatic theme of the early Nepto issues [Killer Shark, The Sea Serpent]the Alligator was just a natural progression. He was supposed to be called the Crocodile, but I didn't know how to spell it at the time", revealed an honest Darryl.
Over the years mention of the Alligator has produced groans from the DFG staff, since there is no denying the closeness to Marvel Comic's the Lizard. Darryl responded to the 'copy-cat' criticism by simply stating, "What do you expect from a couple of twelve year olds?" The Alligator appearance history is as follows: Dan - pls have Miss. Antiquda Recordafile update this

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