Monday, May 5, 2008

Wontellalie Leaks Upcoming Spy-Master Storyline

Is Julius Smithers the Spy-Master????

By Robert Kahn
Freelance Reporter

DFG office cleaner Ernest Wontellalie knows what's in DFG Publisher and President Dan Graves head,...or at least what's in his trash pail. "Any linear or abstract thought Mr. Graves has ends up in my hands, says Wontellalie. I was the first to know about The Spy-master/ Nova wedding!!"

While Ernest's enthusiasm is charming, it has resulted in work suspensions. Former DFG staffer Todd Abbot was known to have a poor opinion of Mr. Wontellalie during his tenure with DFG. "Ernest is a trash-picker, said Abbot. If it's in the trash, it should stay in the trash. Whatever thoughts on paper Ernest thinks he's rescuing were obviously garbage". Mr. Abbot's criticism of Mr. Wontellalie is curious especially since it was Mr. Wontellalie's 'habit' that secured Mr. Abbot a large paycheck for a Captain Nepto issue that was 'rescued from the garbage".

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