Dear Fans:
With a new year comes new opportunities, new excitement, and new developments for your favourite DFG comics and characters. But before I preview the upcoming year, it seems right to look back and reflect on 2008 -- a year that had both ups and downs for Canada's premier comic book company. So, relax and journey with me through the year that was (follow the links to view the respective stories).
January we launched our
Online Publications division with the re-release of Spy Comics Presents the Invincibles #1, which had been originally published in 2006 as we relaunched our entire print line. The success was so great that we have now moved almost entirely to online publishing.
February, the DFG offices were embroiled with an
apparent scandal over so-called "bedtime heroes." Fortunately, I was able to
set the record straight and the controversy subsided. We also received a scare that Todd Abbot had contracted a
serious disease, but these rumours were later proven to be false. This was also the month that we became involved in a
legal battle with Todd Abbot. This legal battle led to much fan feedback on our site, and indeed, some abuse of this site. Our chief of security issued a
stern warning in an attempt to calm things down.
March, my artwork for the cover of Spy Comics #1(original series - 1981), long thought destroyed, was
found and fetched $50,000 on the antiquities market. News soon broke that one of our
film characters from the 1980's was set to appear in an upcoming comic. It was soon revealed that this character was
Big Jon, a creation of Timothy Graves, under the stage name Timothy David. Indeed Big Jon will be appearing in the upcoming
Spy Comics Presents...#6. Another piece of exciting news was the announcement of the return of Canada's Favourite Adventure Strip Character, Captain Nepto, to a regular, ongoing monthly series,
Captain Nepto Prime! Then, as if March had not been a busy enough month, DFG legal counsel, Sir Milton Goldfarbstein,
was suddenly taken ill and rested at death's door while we all waited in silent vigil. Life had to go on at DFG, though, and Oscar Foodlecollins (DFG's webmaster), in the midst of all this turmoil and sadness,
announced the launch of the DFG Fan Club website. Then, as if things weren't bad enough, DFG VP
Darryl Andrews' villa was broken into and several valuable pieces of art were stolen. The month ended on a high note, though, when I received word on Easter morning that
Sir Milton had made a miraculous recovery!
April was a month of conflict with superstar Todd Abbot after
he felt snubbed that he had not been asked to work on the new
Captain Nepto Prime series. This was followed by Abbot
stealing Darryl's old DTA Comics trademark and attempting to launch his own Nepto series. I
strenuously asserted OUR ownership of Nepto.
May we
hired a massage therapist to help reduce the stress around the office brought on by our legal conflict with Todd Abbot. That hire helped us to reduce the tension enough that we were able to come to an
agreement with Todd Abbot in which he and Darryl would collaborate on the new
Captain Nepto Prime series. I issued
a definitive press release to clarify the arrangement. We then announced the
official launch of the
Captain Nepto Website!In
June we were able to finally get the
second issue of
Spy Comics Presents online. Todd Abbot once again caused us some trouble with his resignation and I made
a suitable response. I also granted the
first of a series of interviews with
The Canadian Comic Insider.July was an exciting and productive month as we
launched the Spy Classics Website and released
Spy Classics #1 - a retelling of the very first Captain Nepto story! Our VP, Darryl Andrews, also got his turn at a
series of interviews with the Canadian Comic Insider. However, the biggest news of the month was the
return of DFG superstar artist Mark Kendall Andrews to the DFG bullpen, with an issue of Spy Comics that is now scheduled to be the 2009 Annual!
August brought the introduction of a
Captain Nepto Daily Comic Strip, by Darryl Andrews. The Todd Abbot resignation required further comment, which
I dutifully made. We
hired a Director of Philanthropy to deal with all of the requests we get for financial assistance. Finally, Darryl got our merchandising and toy division off the ground with the
introduction of a Spymaster action figure sculpted by Leighton Graves.
September, much of our day-to-day creative work ground to a halt as DFG Corporate HQ
moved to its new location.In
October we announced
the return of Retro-Spy, a series dedicated to telling tales from the golden-age of DFG. It was to feature a Christmas special which was, sadly, not available in time for Christmas this year. Also,
Darryl visited with the Amazing Kreskin who predicted a banner year for DFG in 2009! The highlight of October, though, was
the launch of Leighton Graves' newest comic strip, The Glow Kids!November was a month of tragedy for DFG as our colourist,
Flora Lovaratlot, was tragically injured at our new coporate HQ. The incident, with unfounded allegations of negligence on our part,
sparked a near-riot. Sadly, Flora subsquently
succumbed to her injuries and passed away. Todd Abbot, with whom she had been romantically linked was reportedly distraught, as were we at DFG corporate HQ.
December was a month of regrouping as several of our titles were delayed by Flora's untimely death. Then with the possiblity of the Canadian government falling, DFG was approached by Jack Layton to
help form a coalition government. When the G.G. prorogued parliament this possiblity dissapated. Things then slowed down as mourning for Flora continued, although one interesting photo was released unveiling
Todd Abbot's inspiration for his new creation, Dogman.
Well folks, it's been quite a year, with many good things and some bad things, but one thing is for certain, we have a great 2009 planned for our fans. Watch this space for details. Oh, and one more thing: in the upcoming days we will be releasing the nominations for the DFG Fan Awards in which you will be able to vote for your favourite comics and creators of 2008. Watch our fan page for details.
Until next time,
I remain,
Dan Graves
President and Co-Publisher, DFG Comics (and subsidiary companies)